
Cell Phone Sunday!

I like the iPhone, yes I do!
I take a million pictures - how 'bout you?

Sometimes the worst quality photos are the most memorable.
Try not to throw the not so good ones away.

Here's the proof that sometimes bad = good:

...proof that the rockstar uses a WAY bigger spoon when eating cereal. Us normal folk use the smaller one on the right.

...proof that the kiddo has some pretty cool friends that hand made this little toy.

...same toy - other side. How cute and creative, right?

...proof that I love where I live.  Hooray for farmers markets a block away from my house!

...I mean, seriously!

...proof that things in our garden are growing! Peppers!

...proof that we have peculiar friends (who also wear groovy shirts).

...proof that my girl has beautiful curls...and I will never cut them. Ever. :)

...proof that the rockstar is not as tough as he thinks he is (all is well, but I DO NOT plan on making trips to the ER on a regular basis).

Hope you all are having a great weekend!!


  1. Love all of these...I too have pics of Eden's hippo by that,wonderfully, talented Gracey. And, I have to ask....what happened to the rockstar. Do not like seeing him in the ER. Yikes!!!!

    Your scribbled with light posts are definitely one of my favorites...way more memorable than most.

  2. I vote you keep up with the Iphone photo's!

  3. Thank you! I love Sundays for many reasons...one being the cell phone photo posts. Thanks for reading!

    That guy known as the rockstar had some funky heart stuff going on. It got to the point where he thought he might pass out, so we took a little day trip to the ER.
