You MUST know by now that I like taking pictures with my iPhone.
You remember this, right?
Proof, you say?
Yes of course I have proof!
...proof that the "grand finale" is my favorite part of the fireworks show.
...proof that I like to make Deviled Eggs in large quantities.
...proof that Buckley smokes cigars.
don't's not really a cigar.
...proof that we really DID plant a garden.
...proof that where I live, sometimes you can buy chicks from the local grocery store.
...proof that my girl was just as cute the day she was born.
I love that kid.
...proof that we get some pretty sweet rainbows over here.
...proof that I like taking pictures of the sky.
...I'm serious.
...proof that sometimes she wakes me up a liiiiiiiiiiiittle too early.
...proof that I am a nerd. I love this game.
...proof that where I live, sometimes you find interesting things up on the wall in the doctors office.
is that settler's??? I love that game.
YES! We love it too. We should play!